Dorian is an Atlanta-based

Mentor & Coach

A tech and fitness enthusiast with experience in business and a lifelong passion for mentorship and development.

My Background

My passion for developing others has come from my own experiences in being developed. Where I'm from, I was taught the phrase, β€œeach one teach one.” It is everyone’s responsibility to teach the next generation and unearth potential.

Career Snapshot

(Further details found on my LinkedIn page)

Life in IT

2003 – 2011

Life in Aviation

2013 – Present

Life in People

Birth :) - Present

New Planner for

a New Year!

It all begins with an idea. β€œNew Year, New You.” Instead of keeping it as an idea, take action to reach your goals. I’ve recently created and published an annual digital planner to help move you along. With prompts to get you going on a daily basis, you’ll have no excuse but to smash your goals.

If you are tired of waiting AND you are ready to start making things happen, click the box below for a quick chat!

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